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Bayshore Heritage Byway
Corridor Management Plan
New Jersey

L/KLA served as the scenic byway consultant working with a committee representing various state and local governments and civic groups to develop a corridor management plan for the Millstone Valley Scenic Byway. Members of the Advisory Committee represented many different viewpoints, all who shared an interest in the route. The Committee included people who lived or worked along the route, those responsible for its management and those with an extensive knowledge of the history of the area. The byway was designated as a National Scenic Byway through FHWA’s National Scenic Byway program.




The byway, located in the narrow Millstone River Valley of north central New Jersey, offers a glimpse into the past where skirmishes between the local militia and British troops played a key role in the Revolutionary War. Attractions along the route include the Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park, the relocated Rockingham site in Franklin Township and the 1860 House near Rocky Hill Township.



The Bayshore Heritage Byway Corridor Management Plan was the recipient of a New Jersey ASLA merit award in the Landscape Planning and Analysis category in 2019

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